Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer
Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Noni: Nature’s Amazing Healer.
Pleasant Grove, Utah: Woodland Publishing, 1998. 101 pages with bibliography.
This book reports findings from Dr.
Solomon's research of both scientific and anecdotal information about the noni
fruit. In his research, he interviewed more than 40 doctors and other health professionals who had gathered data from over 8,000 patients who had used or
were using noni.
The results, he claims, were impressive. According to his survey, noni helped 78 percent of those who took it for one or more problems. The
side effects were minimal. Also, the study showed that noni appears to be safe
for pregnant and nursing mothers.
Noni can be taken with all medications. The survey showed no negative interactions. Rather in some cases noni permitted other medications to act more efficiently, allowing a decrease in the dosage of the medication.
The following table reports the conditions helped by noni and the percentage of people who had results.
Conditions reported to respond to noni |
# who took noni for that condition |
% helped |
Cancer, lessened symptoms |
847 |
67% |
Heart disease, decreased symptoms |
1,058 |
80% |
Stroke |
983 |
58% |
Diabetes, Types 1 and 2 |
2,434 |
83% |
Energy, increased |
7,931 |
91% |
Sexuality, enhanced enjoyment |
1,545 |
88% |
Muscle, increased body-building |
709 |
71% |
Obesity, lost excess weight |
2,638 |
72% |
High blood pressure, decreased |
721 |
87% |
Smoking, stopped |
447 |
58% |
Arthritis, lessened symptoms |
673 |
80% |
Pain, including headaches decreased |
3,785 |
87% |
Depression, lessened symptoms |
781 |
77% |
Allergy, decreased symptoms |
851 |
85% |
Digestion, improved |
1,509 |
89% |
Breathing, improved |
2,727 |
78% |
Sleep, improved |
1,148 |
72% |
Fuzzy thinking, helped clear |
301 |
89% |
Well-being, increased feeling of |
3,716 |
79% |
Mental acuity, increased alertness |
2,538 |
73% |
Kidney health ir))proved |
2,127 |
66% |
Stress, helped cope with |
3,273 |
71% |
Why these spectacular results for so many conditions?
In the book, Dr. Solomon also reports scientific research that shows noni is a powerful nutraceutical. One of noni’s key compounds xeronine, discovered by Dr. Ralph Heinicke, serves as a critical modifier for one or more of the body proteins and enzymes. Dr. Heinicke refers to the system in which xeronine is synthesized as the xeronine system. Healthy people generally have adequate amounts of all this system’s components with the exception of proxernine, which may be present only in marginal amounts. A lack of proxeronine in the body may lead to the breakdown of body functions and eventually to a variety of disorders. Noni provides the xeronine transformed to proxernine to help our bodies remain healthy or regain their health.