tions: hypertension, influenza (which I already spoke about),
rhinitis (including hay fever), edemas with various origins,
herpes, sinusitis, gastrointestinal problems – ulcers,
gastritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation,
etc., conjunctivitis, urinary infections (including dysuria -
difficult urination), hepatitis C, allergies with different etiolo-
gy, pharyngitis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, fibromyalgia,
ischaemic heart disease, stenocardia, cysts, prostate
adenoma, menstrual cycle irregularities, severe and unsus-
ceptible to other treatments hemorrhages, lung emphyse-
ma, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, asthma, involuntary
urine leaking, tumors – benign and malignant,
endometriosis, chronic fatigue syndrome… The list can be
extended further but our trials and observations also continue,
especially those related to cancer diseases. We have achieved
indisputable results in patients in the terminal stages of
different kinds of cancer (of the uterus, bladder, breast,
etc.) – results that proved unattainable with the tradi-
tional anticancer therapies (surgery, chemotherapy,
hormonal treatment, radiotherapy): normalization of the
tumor markers and the characteristic pathological deviations,
restoring of the normal blood values, discontinuing of uncon-
trolled haemorrhages, removal of the pain that renders unnec-
essary all the drugs with analgesic properties, etc. All these
cases are well illustrated by systematic laboratory and other
The range of diseases, including such until recently con-
sidered incurable, which however yield before the potent healing
power of Samento, will undoubtedly grow. Diseases are invent-
ed by medical minds. In fact Samento doesn’t care about dis-
eases – it cures the person or, even more precisely, helps the
human body cure itself. But these again are questions of the
fundamental medical science.
3. Does Samento have any side effects?
I personally suppose that some day such might be dis-
covered. But for the time being the treatment of over